Pathfinders Club Atwater Groups

12 Step Recovery Links

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These are external web sites with useful recovery information.

Podcast from American Public Media radio program, Speaking of Faith:  "Alcoholics Anonymous co-founder Bill Wilson once said that the program he helped create is "utter simplicity which encases a complete mystery." We'll explore the spiritual aspects of addiction and recovery with Susan Cheever, who's written a biography of Bill Wilson. Also, Lakota teacher and healer, Basil Brave Heart, describes how, in his own life and in Native communities, the 12 Steps find resonance in indigenous spiritual practices."  Click the link below (requires an MP3 player of some sort, e.g., iTunes, Windows Media Player, QuickTime, RealAudio Player, WinAmp, etc.):

The Spirituality of Addiction and Recovery (July 27, 2006)


The Glendale Windsor Club


11th Step Meditation website

164 and More - Study Guide for the Big Book and the 12 & 12

AA Grapevine Magazine Online (includes AudioGrapevine)

AA History - Dick B's website

Anonymous Press

Buddhist Recovery Network

e-AA Group of Alcoholics Anonymous

Hindsfoot Foundation - history and theory of alcoholism treatment and the moral and spiritual dimensions of recovery - AA: experience the history, lest we forget - "addiction and recovery, straight up". A world leading website about addiction and recovery, featuring a daily mix of breaking news, exclusive interviews, investigative reports, and essays on sober living by some of the top writers in the country.

XA Speakers - a collection of recordings from speakermeetings, conventions and workshops of 12-step fellowships, run by a few sober drunks in Iceland

Central Offices, General Service Offices, & World Services

AA World Services

AA Harbor Area Central Office

AA Los Angeles Central Office

AA San Fernando Valley Central Office

AA San Gabriel & Pomona Valley Central Office

AA North Orange County Central Office

AA Orange County Central Office

AA Ventura County Central Office

Al-Anon/Alateen Los Angeles County

Adult Children of Alcoholics World Service Organization

Clutterers Anonymous

Co-Dependents Anonymous - Los Angeles

Cocaine Anonymous - Los Angeles

Compulsive Eaters Anonymous H.O.W. Los Angeles

Crystal Meth Anonymous

Debtors Anonymous - Southern California

Emotions Anonymous

Gamblers Anonymous

Marijuana Anonymous World Services

Nar-Anon - Southern California

Narcotics Anonymous - Southern California Region

Native American Indian GSO

Nicotine Anonymous - Southern California Intergroup

Online Gamers Anonymous

Overeaters Anonymous - Los Angeles Intergroup

Pills Anonymous - Los Angeles

Sex Addicts Anonymous

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (S.L.A.A.) Los Angeles

Sexaholics Anonymous - Southern California

Survivors of Incest Anonymous

Underearners Anonymous

Workaholics Anonymous

The Pathfinders Club * 3367 Glendale Blvd * Atwater Village CA 90039
(323) 662-9871